Zenta Maurina. Documental Dreams

Photo Credit: Jānis Deinats
The play has received 3 nominations at the Latvian National Theatre Awards “Spēlmaņu nakts” 2018/2019
Best actress: Lauma Balode as Zenta Maurina
Small Format Play of the year
Best New Performer of the year: Anna Nele Āboliņa
Role: Zenta Maurina
Synopsis: “We will be as strong as our will”, these are words expressed by a famous literals Rainis, a friend of Zenta Maurina and they are very accurate in describing her too. She had a strong will to have a fulfilling life, desire to create despair the obstacles and stereotypes imposed by society, in spite of her own identity. With her life Zenta proved that our abilities are limitless. That obstacles are only a way to improve ourselves, a step up to a better life. Everyone could learn from her. The production was inspired by a bibliography written about Zenta, it was obvious that there is enough content to create a performance or a film, that we need to share her story.
Director – Kristīne Krūze, Author – Rasa Bugavičute-Pēce, Kristīne Krūze, Actor, Lauma Balode, Kaspars Dumburs, AnnaNele Āboliņa, Set Design, Jūlija Bondarenko, Jana Čivžele, Sound and Music – Mārtiņš Meiers, Scenography – Dace Sloka, Production, Lauma Balode. Advisor, Maija Rolava